The Most Incredible Movie Theaters From Around The World

I love going to the movies. I can’t wait to sit in a packed room, watch a hotly anticipated movie on the big screen, and share a bowl of popcorn with my date. It’s the best way to spend a rainy Saturday night. As good as going to the movies may be, there are a handful of theaters around the world that take the experience to the next level. They make watching movies better beyond anything you thought imaginable.

Some of these cinemas have interesting histories and have survived bombings and fires. Others were demolished and restored, preserving their uniqueness. These theaters have been recognized not only for their cultural significance, but also for their architectural value. Others are very modern and have exciting and interesting interiors. Here are some of the most beautiful and amazing movie theaters from around the world. Which is your favorite?

Olympia Music Hall, France

Sci-fi Dine-in Theater, Disney’s Hollywood Studios

Kurshumli An In Skopje, Macedonia – Creative Documentary Film Festival Makedox

Urania National Film Theatre, Budapest, Hungary

Fox Theater, Detroit Mi

Puskin Art Cinema, Budapest, Hungary

Movie Theater In Paris

Electric Cinema, Notting Hill

Arena, Pula, Croatia

Hot Tube Cinema, London

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