The Best Last Supper Parody Illustrations

Leonardo da Vinci’s Last Supper depicts Jesus’ final dinner in his last days, which was a very somber and serious factual event. It’s no surprise than why so many artists are inspired by the famous painting from the 15th century. There are always a lot of intriguing facts and mysterious findings in da Vinci’s works of art, and this mural is no exception.

Since there are so many fabulous Last Supper parodies out there, I decided to go on a hunt and find the best of the best for you, and compile a collection. After searching through what feels like a hundred illustrations, I’ve chosen what I believe to be the top 15. I hope you like them all.

Last Supper in South Park

Fast Food Mascot’s Supper

Popeye Supper

iPhone Supper

Lego Supper

Looney Tunes Super Stars

Mickey Mouse Supper

Models Supper

Peanuts Supper

Simba and the Lion King Cubs

Sopranos Supper

The Latht Thupper

The Lost Supper

The Smurf Supper

The Super Smash Brothers Supper

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