This is the exact premise of Robert Holden’s intriguing project, titled The Burning House. It’s a philosophical conflict between what’s practical, valuable and sentimental. You’re forced to prioritize and boil down a life of accrued possessions into what you can carry out with you. What you would bring reflects your interests, background and priorities. People’s stage in life also dictates their selection. A father of five in his forties would grab very different things than he would have as a bachelor in his twenties. Think of it as a full interview condensed into one question.
Hannah Queen, 20, Blue Ridge, Georgia, Photographer
Chris Adamiak, 30, Milton, Ontario Canada, Maintenance Worker
David Coggins, New York, Writer
Frances Shelley, 25, Austin, TX, Project Assistant
James Oliver Lamont Fox, 40, Somerville, MA, IT, and Library School Student
Jeff Staple, 36, An Airport Lounge Near You, Self-Employed
Jennifer Maree Rouse, 23, Melbourne, Australia, Undiscovered
Laura Pritchett, 24, Southern Delaware, Artist
Louie McPherson, Haderslev, Denmark, Graphic Design Student
Melissa Howard, 37, New York, Stock – Vintage Menswear Store
Michael Mundy, Manhattan, New York, Photographer
Mikael Kennedy, 31, Brooklyn, NY, Photographer
Porter Hovey, Brooklyn, New York, Photographer
Rohan L Anderson, 35, Ballarat, Australia, Photography & Design
Tucker Gorman, 23, Maine, Aspiring Industrial Designer