How much do you and your family members really look alike? Canadian photographer
Brothers: Matthew, 25 years & Ulrich, 29 years
Daughter / Mother: Marie-Pier, & N’sira 18 years, 49 years
Son / Father: Nathan, age 6 & Ulrich, 32 years
Sisters: Anne-Sophie, 19 years & Pascale, 16
Sisters: Gabrielle, 28 & Leah 25 years
Mother / Daughter: Julie, 61 & Isabelle, age 32
Mother / Daughter: Francine, 56 & Catherine, 23 years
Brothers: Christopher, 30 years & Ulrich, 29 years
Daughter / Mother: Veronica, 29 years & Francine, 56
Sister / Brother: Karine, Dany & XX years, 25 years
Twins: Laurence and Christine, 20 years
Father / Son: Laval, 56 & Vincent, 29 years
Father / Son: Denis, age 53 & William, 28 years
Amazing Split Face Family Portraits