Alice in Wonderland Themed Restaurant in Tokyo

Nope, you didn’t fall down the fabled rabbit hole. You’re merely witnessing the magic of Fantastic

The entire story unfolds within the walls of the 2,250 square foot restaurant, from beginning to end. Upon entrance, guests are graced with oversized vintage books, mirrored walls, and polished checkered floors. Making your way to your table, you will find that larger than life grass hedges encase each table. Dramatic theatrical elements are in play throughout the entire space accompanied by intense lighting, various spots of color on the ceiling, and table napkins that sit upright, threatening to march away at any given moment. Fantastic Design Works designed a private dining room that’s fit for a queen! The queen of hearts and the rest of her deck is the main theme of the intimate dining space. The restaurant is an acutely literal take on the 1951 animated movie as it is divided into themed sections that reflect certain scenes from the film. If you are in the Tokyo area stop by for a bite, you never know where it could lead you!

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